This is the answer I gave to a friend of mine when she asked me about turning 30. At the time, it just came out. I didn’t really think about it and I wasn’t meaning to be so blunt. It was purely from the subconscious. Straight after, I thought maybe that was a bit simplistic and raw but the more I thought about it, the more accurate that statement was.
Let me explain.
In my 20’s I trained hard in the gym. But looking back, I trained stupidly. There was too much going on. There was a lot of mixed training. I would jump from strength to power and then onto endurance all in the one session. Too many hours watching rocky and karate kid. I was trying to catch 2 rabbits at the same time but catching none. There was no focus and therefore my results were mixed and certainly not ideal.
When I turned 30 and in the following years a few significant things happened. I got married, I studied for a masters while still working full time, got myself a mortgage, started up a private practice while also working a full time NHS job and then decided that 3 kids under 2 years of age was a good idea. All of a sudden, every minute of my day was accounted for. Procrastination pretty much stopped. If I didn’t do it then, then it didn’t get done. Instead of 20 exercises in the gym, I had max time for 3. And I had to do them when my son was taking his bath. But what I started to notice was, those 3 exercises were the key exercises for my goal and to my amazement, I was getting better results then in my 20s.
A great strength coach in the US called Dan John said “not everything in life is equal, so get over it”. It applies so much to training. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. What’s the goal? Does what I am doing help me reach my goal? If not, you dump it.
So how does doing what seems like less get you better results? Well, the key is, ‘being busy’ e.g. In the gym, work life, home life etc is not necessarily productive or useful for a specific goal. The key is purposeful or mindful activity and this is what gets results. Let’s take a look at the 80:20 rule to help explain this.
In 1896, Vilfredo Pareto showed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population; Pareto developed the principle by observing that about 20% of the peapods in his garden contained 80% of the pea.
Mathematically, the 80:20 rule is roughly followed by a power law distribution for a particular set of parameters, and many natural phenomena have been shown empirically to exhibit such a distribution. In business; e.g. “80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients.” Therefore In fat loss, 80% of your time should be spent on your nutrition and 20% on exercise. In sport, 80% of your time should be playing the sport, 20% strength, mobility, nutrition etc etc. So if you commit 10 hours a week to running, you should run for 8 hours.This amount will change when you are injured obviously and ProCare specialises in getting the balance correct in order to minis time away from sport.
So ask yourself these questions and be honest:
Is your training purposeful?
Is everything in your training aimed at the goal?
Are you being stupid in your training?
Are you being focused?
Then strip your training down to 3 key areas, even 3 key exercises. Don’t worry, you can do more but this is a lesson in getting specific. If you can’t, then you need help getting more focused.
If you need help, go to or call 07840180668 And get the results you want Fast.