Pregnant Women Have it Easy…

They don’t really but if you read on you will find out why it relates to rehab from injury. Success…the holy grail of words It's what most people say they want from life alongside 'happiness'. I want to discuss when rehab has not been a success...

You say you WILL but you Won’t 

Where there's a will there's a way … Is there? What does will power even mean? Is it the key to changing bad habits like; poor diet, not enough exercise, not doing your rehab, running when you know you shouldn't? Do you find that some days you are...

Flexibility Exercises do NOT Always Improve your Flexibility!

‘My hamstrings have always been Tight’ This is one of the most common phrases that clients tell me. Followed by ‘stretching doesn’t seem to help’ So why are they tight? Let’s look at why muscles get tight or spasm. 1)Painful joint...

Injury is like a Crying Baby

It's 3am after a 12 hour day and my son has decided it's 3 pm. My mind is clouded, I can't think straight, I'm tired but my brain is in overdrive. Will he ever sleep again? Is this a new phase of him not sleeping? Is he unwell? How long will it last...

Stupid Physio’s Know Nothing…

Yes that's what I said… Of course, I don't think all Physio's are stupid but Not All Physio's are the same, that's for sure. Firstly, have you had physiotherapy in the past, which has not helped? If so, ask yourself the following questions....